12 Oct 13

[ English ]

Freeroll poker tournaments are daily competitions that occur on a lot of the best internet poker websites. Freerolls are greatly admired by the poker gambling community as they offer the poker players the hopes to gain some actual cash without losing any. The buyin to these freerolls is – as their titles indicates – cost-free and jackpot cash can range from a handful of bucks for finishing near the top to hundreds of dollars for capturing the big freeroll texas hold’em poker tournaments.

So why do the poker websites have freerolls? Is it because of their incredibly generous makeup and the fact that they make vast sums of money so they feel a societal requirement to provide some of it back?

What do you believe!

No certainly it is not, the basis that the great poker sites provide freerolls is to lure people to their site.

Here’s the idea condensed – You come across a poker site that has a great freeroll, it charges you nada to participate in and you can capture 100 dollars. You think "awesome!" and you go along to the site and sign up as a member so that you can bet on the freeroll. You play and finish quickly and are annoyed largely because you perceive you should have performed better, or you get close to winning and so you’re looking for even more excitement. So what happens? You spend some money at the poker site and wager on another poker game!

Frequently check the free tournaments for payout constraints, you will nearly always need to wager on some hands for real $$$$ before they let you take the $$$$ out. Often this is on a one to one basis, so if you capture twenty dollars at the no cost poker tournament you will need to have played for 20 dollars in bona fide $$$$ in order for you to be able to draw out the money.

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